30 years of International Year of the Family

International Year of the Family

To mark the 30th anniversary of the International Year of the Family, the conference ‘The Importance of the Family for Society’ took place on 14 June 2024 at the Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna.

The conference report and the conference documents can be found on the BKA website.

Ukraine refugees in Austria two years after the start of the war


The Austrian Institute for Family Studies has already conducted two surveys at yearly intervals among Ukrainian women on behalf of the Austrian Integration Fund to track and analyze the development of the situation of female Ukrainian refugees in Austria during the first year of the war. Building on these two brief studies, a third survey has now been conducted, in which, in addition to women of working age, men were also interviewed, with a focus on labour market integration.

Publication (PDF)

Family data for Vorarlberg 2024

Familiendaten für Vorarlberg 2024

'Familiendaten für Vorarlberg 2024’ is an annually updated compilation of figures from the areas of population, citizenship, family forms, employment, risk of poverty and basic benefit provision/social assistance. The focus lies on Vorarlberg, whereby comparative data with Austria, other federal states and neighbouring European countries are included. The tables are accompanied by reading examples, short explanatory texts and a summary of key data.

Publication (PDF)

Fathers not welcome to take parental leave?

Gleichstellung in progress

One of the aims of the last reform of the Austrian childcare benefit was to increase the proportion of fathers. However, this chapter – based on an OIF evaluation study – showed that parental responsibilities, the additional flexibility, and the additional entitlement to family time encourage mothers to take the benefit for a longer period and have led to a decreased fathers’ quota.

Publication (PDF)

Unemployment and Family

Unemployment and Family (German)

The study looks at how unemployment and family interact. What effects does the loss of gainful employment have in the family context (e. g. risk of separation, parent-child relationship)? And vice versa: To what extent can family structures help to structure the event or experience of unemployment (e. g. partnership as a resource)? This study addresses these questions in a structured overview of relevant empirical studies. Statistical analyses of current Austrian data were also carried out.

Publication (PDF)

Senior Lecturer

Forschungsbericht 55

The report analyses the employment relationships and histories as well as the demographic composition of people employed as senior lecturers at Austrian universities. The data basis is formed by the employment histories of all employees at public Austrian universities from 2010 to 2021 as documented in the BMBWF's higher education statistics information system.

Forschungsbericht 55 (PDF)

Family Benefits in Austria

Forschungsbericht 54

The study analyses the knowledge, use and level of satisfaction with six Austrian family benefits: Familienbeihilfe, Kinderbetreuungsgeld, Schulstartgeld, Familienzeitbonus, Partnerschaftsbonus und Familienbonus Plus. 1,017 parents with children under the age of seven were surveyed. More than three quarters of the Austrian population are satisfied with the family benefits. Points of criticism include the amount of financial support and the complexity of the system.

Forschungsbericht 54 (PDF)

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