Families in figures 2024

Families in Figures (FiZ), the compilation of family-related statistics, has been updated for 2024. It shows the changes in selected key figures over the past ten years. It contains data on topics such as births and fertility, marriages/reasons for registered partnerships, divorces/dissolutions of registered partnerships, household and family forms, employment, childcare, family and social benefits as well as comparative European data. The 72 tables are provided with reading examples and some with illustrations, and a glossary explains family statistics terminology.

Familie in Zahlen 2024 (PDF)

Development in expenditures for families in 22 different EU Countries

Working Paper 103

The present study examines the question of how the level and type of spending in 22 different EU Countries have changed over the last two decades and whether international trends can be identified or whether the countries are developing differently. It also shows the Austria position itself in this comparison and what further developments in expenditures for families will emerge in the years 2020 to 2022.

Working Paper 103 (PDF)

New findings on family lives and intimate relationships in Austria

ÖZS Band 49

A recently published special issue of the Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie (Volume 49, Issue 3) was created on the initiative of the ÖGS Family Research Section, which was founded in 2021, and provides an insight into current findings in family research in Austria. The articles in the issue cover a wide range of questions, theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches.

Publication (PDF)

The 'good' divorce

Forschungsbericht 57

With a multi-perspective focus on the legal divorce practice in Austria, this study explores the collective understanding of a 'good' divorce. For this purpose, family judges, counsellors and mediators as well as divorced women and men discussed in focus groups about their experiences and ideas. Results stem from a content analysis of this data corpus.

Forschungsbericht 57 (PDF)

Family Court Assistance Service – 10 years later

Forschungsbericht 56

An extensive survey of parents and experts on the evaluation of Family Court Assistance Service has shown that the introduction of this tool in custody and access court proceedings has been successful. The various experiences from different perspectives are presented and discussed in this report.

Forschungsbericht 56 (PDF)

30 years of International Year of the Family

International Year of the Family

To mark the 30th anniversary of the International Year of the Family, the conference ‘The Importance of the Family for Society’ took place on 14 June 2024 at the Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna.

The conference report and the conference documents can be found on the BKA website.

Ukraine refugees in Austria two years after the start of the war


The Austrian Institute for Family Studies has already conducted two surveys at yearly intervals among Ukrainian women on behalf of the Austrian Integration Fund to track and analyze the development of the situation of female Ukrainian refugees in Austria during the first year of the war. Building on these two brief studies, a third survey has now been conducted, in which, in addition to women of working age, men were also interviewed, with a focus on labour market integration.

Publication (PDF)