Mag. Rudolf Karl Schipfer

Ethnologist, Editor-in-Chief of "beziehungsweise"

Tel: +43 1 4277 489 13

Telephone availability at the Institute:
Monday to Thursday 9.00 – 15.00
Friday 9.00 – 13.00

As a research assistant, Mag. Schipfer deals with youth research, family friendliness, municipal family policy and the change of the family in a historical context. He also monitors the development of family-relevant indicators and compiles the annual reference work 'Familien in Zahlen (FiZ)'. He is also responsible for media contacts, organises the scientific event series "Family 3.0" and is in charge of the OIF's library and documentation. In 2018, he took over as editor-in-chief of the journal "beziehungsweise".

Research Focus and Projects

  • Research on child and youth specific data sources
  • Research and data entry for the family policy database
  • Series of events "Familie 3.0"